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General Secretary Message


There was a time when this cosmos and universe did not exist. God  “ The Pure Conscious’’ “The Universal Energy” was limited to his self. At one point through his Divine Will, Hukam or Big Bang theory He created this universe. To this date no one exactly knows the time , year or season when it was created . He created nature (Prakriti)and  spread out his consciousness and energy in all his creations. The consciousness is when we know , feel and are willing to act . It means that prakriti or creation has no independent existence  and the Creator , The God is life of the universe . When this consciousness is removed out of the creation , it is called death, end of that creation . Further , this world is continuously evolving and works independently . God has put everything in this prakiriti which is required for further evolution and is in proper order .

            The laws of nature are both progressive and regressive . In this progressive law human being is the last step in the staircase. He is the crown of the Creator . He is the only central  figure who can explain nature and the purpose of the universe. . He is the last step from imperfection to perfection . This top position of the human being in the universal ladder has been possible due to the discovery of “WORDS” i.e.(SHABAD) the language. The languages are the basis of our education . Through education we  expand our knowledge of the visible , observable, and provable, It teaches us how to reach to logic , deduction , experimentation and inference.

            With the help of the above understanding , education is broadly divided in to four parts .First is the three R- read , write and arithmetic . Second is learning problem solving, creativity and professional skills, so that we can face the uncertainty of life, live it independently  at free will. Third are management qualities i.e. relationships, responsibilities,  resources , time management and sense of humor. Fourth is spirituality which finally removes our doubts and takes us close to the truth through wisdom.

            The road to wisdom (VIVEK) requires further in-depth knowledge of the Creator , His qualities (GUN), and rules / laws of the nature (Prakiriti) . Here spirituality helps us to gain wisdom , live our life smoothly in tune with the Creators  qualities , the laws of  nature and finally reach  the final step of the staircase of the universe. When we sit down calmly with ourselves us and concentrate on the  word WAHEGURU or GURUBANI along with our breath  (according tour  respective religious texts), our concentration and attention starts increasing . There is a better motor coordination of the body and better control on our sense organs. We start understanding our weaknesses and strengths . Now when we further work on these , we over come our weakness and improve our strengths. When weaknesses ,   which are in the form of lust, anger, greed, ego, attachments , hate, enmity, back biting , over indulgence etc. are controlled then good and powerful thoughts start emanating .

Leakage of energy through unwanted and unnecessary thoughts stops, and positive energy which is in tune with overall universal energy starts overflowing . We use this overflowing energy which is in the form of concentration, attention,betterunderstanding , better memory , good behavior and mutual respect for self and others . With this we start loving every thing . With love all around , fear of uncertainty is removed . We start accepting the world – His Will (HUKUM) . He inturn accepts us as we are and we progress abundantly in all spheres of life , may it be education , in depth knowledge , economy , mental,physical and social healths.

 By: Col. Gurdev Singh (Retd.)

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